Until I get to that though, I thought I'd share my latest little adventure in flowers. As a member of a society that's part of the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA), for the last couple year's I've participated in the OHA's floral competition, which is housed at the Successful Gardening Show.
So, last night I took a bucket of flowers...
...which I'd been hiding in the bathtub (one of our cats thinks all flowers are "salad" and she loves this kind of salad), and started to play around.
I get a bit nervous competing in OHA-wide events in the "formal" design categories, as there are some highly talented and very experienced who also compete. But I figure the best way to learn is to give it a shot.
So, in the category of "When the time is Ripe" I created this:
My idea was that your eye would move from the "unripe" green on the right to the "ripe" oranges on the left, and then land on the eruption of a bright little flower arrangement.
As uncomfortable as I am competing in the formal designs, I was excited about the "fun" class. In this competition you were to decorate a fruit or vegetable to reflect the theme of "Once Upon a Time."
I went grocery shopping a week ago and stumbled across a unique looking vegetable known as a chayote, which my friend blogged about recently, and a lightbulb went off...
May I introduce, Princess Pineapple...
I had fun with this one! Her body is a pineapple, head is a chayote, hair and cape/dress are chrysanthemums, tiara is statice, eyelids are seedpods from Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis,) and her eyelashes are dried seaweed.
I also entered a grape or oak-leafed ivy in the "trailing houseplant" category.
Judging was this morning. To my great surprise my "When the time is ripe" design placed SECOND! I was thrilled--as I mentioned, my competition in this category was very steep.
The oak-leafed ivy was second.
And "Once upon a time" with Princess Pineapple? FIRST, of course. She's royalty.